What makes Tropical Sno MN stand out from others?
We are confident that once you try Tropical Sno MN, you'll be craving it all year long... even in the middle of our Minnesota winters. It's THAT good! (And don't worry... our Burnsville Shop is OPEN year-round!)
Tropical Sno MN starts with the finest shave ice. The shave ice is so fine and fluffy, which allows for deep absorption of flavors.
We fill it high before you move on to the next step: flavors. Tropical Sno MN is proud to offer flavors that really taste like they are supposed to; they're the REAL DEAL! We recognize the importance of flavor in everything that we eat, so the flavor of our treat is of the utmost importance to us.
Finally, pricing. Who remembers purchasing a "snow-cone" from a fair or festival, probably for upwards of $9+, and the flavor running out after just a few bites? That won't happen here. We strive to keep our prices affordable enough for the whole family to enjoy! With the prices of everything going up all around us, we want the entire family to be able to indulge in a sweet treat!